The Communion Bread

Shabbat bread.

This is in addition to all other teachings of redemption. It is not meant to compel the reader to assume a new doctrine refuting other well-proven and Spirit-inspired witnesses and accounts of Yeshua’s sacrifice as a Lamb. However, it is meant to clarify the too often ignored part of the last supper: the teachings based upon traditional and biblically-confirmed meanings already well known and understood by the Worshipers of the time and until today, just as it is still understood in Jewish homes who celebrate Shabbath.

This is the icing on the cake, or even just a humble cherry on one corner. take it as it is.

Yeshua took the traditional understanding of the Shabbat bread and brought it to a new level, a spiritual level meant to teach in the most practical way the meaning of Echad, Oneness.

Indeed, throughout the bible father has tried to give us clues of his Oneness and of our need to be a part of that. How can we aspire to go to a place named heaven where peace and love reign, if all we are able to imagine about it, is that it is a place in which each one of us will get what he/she wants? How can we be at peace and at odd at the same time? Why would we have the same desires and the same conditions that we have here and now? What purpose would that serves as much as what purpose would this present life serve, therefore?
Unless we understand that it is not about the ‘me’ but about Him, and that he is not as we want him to be, but that He is the unfathomable one encompassing all, a multiplicity within Oneness. And it is in that image that we are made; we as individuals are parts of a whole in such a manner that within each one, we have the entire whole. This is under that concept that, by loving each other, we really are loving ourselves, not reverse; that by loving Him, who is all, we are loving each other as well; that by not loving one another, we are at odds with our own self. Therefore, this oneness of each other with each other must be understood first.

This has been explained in the Shabbat bread and wine, where they both represent one origin of the Jewish soul and by extension the human soul and flesh. Indeed the bread is thus deemed to represent the flesh and the wine the blood of the children of Jacob. Remembering that Israel represents your life and the Israelites your actions, if they are not be together, your life will be in chaos, much like Israel was 2k yrs ago, and still is.

Indeed, Yeshua said that He had come for the lost children of Israel and sent His apostles first to the Jews to call them to unite. Indeed His whole ministry focused on that: our eyes on the Father and all united in the father as it is in heaven. Every single teaching focused on that.

And it is through Him, which translate as ‘being like Him, united to Him in one mind, one action, one thought’, that we can achieve that Oneness with the Eternal, not being focused of our own self but on the source of life,  just as He was.

Thus when on Sabbath, the bread is dedicated and then broken, it is thrown to each guest in reference to life, the Manna, the substance without which we do not exist, represented by that bread, and which is given from the Father to each one individually and to all as a group, as one, and it is made of one dough, one origin to symbolize our oneness. This is a oneness which comes from the divine and which we are commanded to understand and keep remembering.

It is the same with the wine, symbol of life, of one source, one blood running through our veins, oneness of all Jews, oneness of all humans, of all creation, oneness in Him who is Oneness, not a ‘One’ separate from us like a pagan deity!

Indeed, it is to be understood much like an army, where all soldiers share one goal, one mission, each the way he is commanded, watching his comrade’s back, as a unit, a team of one: One for all and all for one. The sacrifice of one for the sake of many, for the salvation of many.

It is when doing the work of the Father, being united with Him, just as Yeshua was, receiving thus all powers, though not for His (Yeshua’s) own sake but according to the commands of Father, then you are the son (daughter) as Yeshua said: you are my brothers if you do the work of my father. This makes sense: if you want to do your own things, play solo, so will you have your reward: lonesomeness. So just move on and go your way, then see if life will still remain in you.

This is very simple logic. You are in or you are out! It’s not a complicated matter.

And so Yeshua took the bread and explained how each one of us are like that bread, which is going to be ingested by each individual. That bread will become an integral part of each person. This symbolizes that the life we gain from that sustenance is of one origin, thus we in turn have that one origin. it is that inter-union, that communion, that idea that all come and unite as one body, one mind, one spirit in the Father, the substance that gives us such sustenance.
There, then, we will be in the Spirit, above the law, and the sons of G-d. then we too will be the true bread from heaven.

As the bread is broken and given to all, it is also disintegrated as it is consumed, it becomes one with each of us but ceases to exist as a loaf of bread, a separate entity; that, in particular, is the teaching behind meekness, to erase our ‘self’ for the sake of one another. And so His body was broken for our sake, for our transgression, as a symbol that we are to unite and how it is to be united, that for the sake of the lump the individual loses his identity. But that is for us to do as well and not just be the spectator. He did say”Do this in memory of me”. was He seeking posterity? Not the least! Did He ever claimed greatness? Not in the least either! So what did He mean then? to repeat a Shabbat bread breaking like it is still performed today? Just remembering his body broken for us? Or is it that not only His example is to be remembered but as well followed and taught in that light. Thus did His Apostles.

But what did they all really do? They let go of the ‘self’ for the sake of ‘all’; just like the Challah or the Matzah is first One then is broken and gives life (food) to all and thus impart that Oneness.

Even in the design of the Challah bread, we see all the parts united. Thus, when the [re]new alliance is understood, then it is that oneness with Father which gives us life. This is when entering the Holy of Holies makes sense, this is when the order of the temple comes into being, and this is when the tree of knowledge is also experienced. The feasts testify even further. Here I cover the fall feasts which have shown me that same meaning very clearly.

Over the custom of using 2 Challot, it could be inferred that they represent the 2 houses of Judah and Israel, or the believers and the non-believers which are to be united. Not withstanding speculations, in all matters, it comes down to that Oneness we spoke about, just like a drop of water, or two, in an ocean.

Published on July 13, 2010 at 5:59 am  Leave a Comment  

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