Wedding Path

You have chosen to share a path: that of life which brings to Oneness. God is Oneness. As He is Spirit, you cannot see Him, but He has given us a mean to experience and pursue this Oneness by allowing us to have a companion whom we can see, hear, touch, and feel to practice this unity.

And for this to happen, selflessness must take over your life. You must learn to live for the other and not after your own desires and self pleasures and wants.  you must not rely on your own understanding but on each other’s trust. You must learn to exist only for the other and humble yourself to each other. You must not judge each other whether the other is righteous or not nor be in contempt of each other. You must not hold grudges, but forgive and move on for the sake of unity.

In that process, you will learn and practice true love and trust which comes from God and without whom we cannot exist and by whose grace we are allowed to choose at every moment between life and death, blessings and curses, peace and war, unity and loneliness, purity and defilement, existence and nothingness, fulfillment and emptiness, love and hatred, good and evil.

You are together to exhort and help each other to become better persons with the understanding that you are not perfect, far from it, but if your goal is to reac a state of perfection – not by your understanding of perfection but of the True Perfection- then you must support each other.

You will fail over and over again, but life is a continuous practice. It is your chance to make a difference, and your partner and you must share and have your eyes on that higher goal, bigger than both of you. It will be a life with sorrows and disappointments at each failure, but there is always a next time to do better. And then there will be joy and laughter when you’ll pass each test.

And only together will you pass these tests and can achieve unity with each other and with God.

Then and only then will you start understanding true Union; then and only then will you begin to experience Heaven on Earth.

If you keep these words of mine in your heart and in your mind and seek the true Spirit of God in Unity, then your life will prosper and you will understand all things.

Let be you the children of life and not the masters of death.

Let in your life begin the path of True Love.

Published on February 16, 2011 at 10:07 am  Leave a Comment  

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